Wanagama Education Forest becomes the peak of HARMONI INKLUSI event held by UKM Peduli Difabel UGM on Sunday 1st December 2019. HarmonI Inklusi is a series of events held in order to commemorate the Internation Day of Disability which falls on 3rd December. The peak of event held in Wanagama Forest is attended by more than 100 participants from Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia Peduli Dystrophy Muskular Indonesia, DPC Gerkatin, YAKETUNIS (Yayasan Kesejahteraan Tunanetra Islam), UGM difabled fellas, and also volunteers from either inside or outside UGM. The volunteers, difables, and the invited guests are participating in planting trees such as Longan, Guava which are donation from BPDAS (Badan Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai) Serayu Opak Progo.
Gita, the Public Relation of Harmoni Inklusi declares that the commemoration of Disability International Day is a series of activities that is initiated by a 5 days in a row Campaign On Campus (18/11/2019 – 22/11/2019) held in the west wing of Grha Sabha Pramana UGM and Alun-alun Kidul Yogyakarta (23/11/2019).
The peak event of Harmoni Inklusi in Wanagama Forest is attended by UGM rector Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng,. D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., the Secretary of Student Affairs Directorate Agus Hartono, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., the Vice Dean of Research Field, Community Service and Association of UGM Forestry Faculty Dr.rer.silv. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut., M.Sc., the Director of Wanagama Dwiko Budi Permadi, S.Hut., M.Sc., Ph.D, and also one of UKM supervisors Susilo Andi Darma S.H., M. Hum.
This event is enlivened by the performance of two guest stars, Frema Annisa and Geodance. Frema is a blind difable singer who is performing three songs and one of the songs is sang along with a guitar played by her blind difable fellow of UGM, Alexander Farrel. Meanwhile, Geodance is a modern dancing group of UGM Geodetic Faculty. The event is closed with a flashmob. Finally, the whole series of Harmony of Inclusion 2019 event is over.
“We hope that the whole series of Harmoni Inklusi 2019 can build a bond between people in common and difabled fellas as implied in our tagline MULAI DARI INTERAKSI, JALIN KOMUNIKASI, DAN SALING MEMAHAMI, a close statement by Gita.