The UGM Faculty of Forestry provides facilities for independent quarantine for Gunungkidul residents with the results of the Covid-19 reactive rapid test in the Wanagama Education Forest I. This is part of the ongoing service of the Wanagama Forest I for Gunungkidul residents. It is not only the success of the rehabilitation of degraded land that has contributed to the improvement of ecosystems and motivated the community to manage forests, Wanagama continues to contribute in this pandemic. Friday, April 21 2020 became a momentum for Wanagama I together with Gunungkidul Regency in facing the co-19 pandemic.
Forest Wanagama I provides an independent quarantine in the form of 8 pavilions which are commonly known as research houses or research huts. A facility that is usually used by researchers who are conducting research in the Wanagama Education Forest and surrounding areas. Each pavilion is equipped with various facilities including 2 bedrooms with inner toilets, kitchens and shared spaces. 7 pavilions will function as quarantine sites, and 1 pavilion as medical and logistical posts. The number of beds that can be used for quarantine is 50 beds.
Wanagama I Education Forest Pavilion is located in Desa Banaran, kec. Playen, Gunungkidul with a calm, cool and beautiful atmosphere. Isolation of independent citizens who are reactive to covid-19 in this pavilion, is expected to reduce the risk of transmission and reduce negative psychological impacts. Covid-19 referral hospitals that support independent quarantine include the Wonosari Regional Hospital and the Panti Rahayu Hospital. Residents with covid 19 reactive rapid test results that are increasing to date, will be accommodated in the quarantine location Wanagama I. Meanwhile, patients who are positive covid-19 will be treated intensively in the Hospital. This is expected to be able to support the need for a place for the examination process of reactive citizens to co-19 until the release of the swab sample test results.
As from Thursday (5/21), the Research House in Wanagama Forest I will accommodate Gunungkidul residents with the results of the Covid-19 reactive rapid test. This was preceded by the signing of the MOU between UGM and the District Government. Gunungkidul represented by the Deputy Regent (Dr. Immawan Wahyudi, M.H.) with the UGM rector (Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, D.Eng., M.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng.). The signing of this MOU was followed by the signing of a collaboration plan between the Regional Secretary of Gunungkidul (Ir. Drajad Ruswandono, MT.) With the Dean of the UGM Forestry Faculty (Dr. Budiadi, S.Hut., M.Agr.Sc.) regarding Wanagama I’s support for Public Health through one of the functions of the forest known as Forest Healing. The calm atmosphere of Wanagama I Forest and the beautiful view of the forest will be a positive therapy for residents undergoing quarantine.